Toxic Relationship Recovery

3.199 kr.

Let go of your toxic partner, heal your emotional wounds, and set healthy boundaries for future relationships with this step-by-step guide to overcoming toxic relationships.
From red flags to crossed boundaries, to lies and gaslighting, you’ve recognized that you were or currently are in a toxic relationship. But now what?
It’s time to fully let the relationship go and begin to heal. With Toxic Relationships, you’ll address the ways that you were wronged during your relationship. You’ll learn strategies for how to trust other people and yourself again after being gaslit, find the warning signs of toxicity and narcissism in others, and reframe negative, harmful thoughts to a positive outlook on life.
As you work to let go of the toxic relationship that ate away at your happiness, you’ll learn how to carve out space for you to be happy on your own and to love yourself for who you are. When you’re ready to enter another relationship, you’ll implement healthy boundaries and clear communication. Put yourself first with Toxic Relationships.

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