The Science of Menopause

4.999 kr.

The Science of Menopause is an informative, practical, and engaging guide to understanding what happens to women’s health from your 40s onward.As we understand more each day about what hormone changes mean for women’s long-term health, there is an urgent need for an evidence-based book that helps women understand what is happening to them so that they can make informed decisions. Should you take HRT? How common is early menopause? What causes brain fog? Can herbal supplements help?Menopause is not just about hot flashes, and it isn’t something to „sail through“ or pretend it isn’t happening. Featuring the latest research and backed up by informative infographics and illustrations, The Science of Menopause tells you everything you need to know about menopause is, the symptoms to watch out for, and the treatments that may be able to help.

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