Tasty Homes: Life Skills

3.799 kr.

Discover all the life hacks you’ve been missing with this perfect compendium of skills to answer all of life’s most asked questions from BuzzFeed’s popular lifestyle destination Tasty Home.

Need help unclogging a drain? Can’t seem to keep a plant alive? Just want to finally know how to fold a fitted sheet? Let BuzzFeed’s Tasty Home make your life a whole lot easier. With Tasty Home: Life Skills, you’ll learn simple tricks, helpful hacks, and super easy DIYs to increase your how-to knowledge. This book teaches you everything you need to know—even things you didn’t know you needed to know!

Based on the most searched topics on Tasty Home’s site and social channels, this go-to guide covers the kind of questions that would have you calling mom. Now, you can secure your spot as a real-life adult whether you need to fix a kitchen fail or quickly sew on a button, this book has your back.

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