Dragons, Wyverns and Serpents (MCL)

2.899 kr.

Dragons, wyverns and serpents inspire awe and wonder on every page of this riveting collection of myths and legends

We’ve all grown up with stories of magical dragons and mythical winged creatures. This thoroughly entertaining collection of seventeen stories draws on those tales from all over the world; from ancient Greece and Egypt, to 14th century China to France, Estonia, Ireland, Wales and beyond. Many stories are tales of bravery and ingenuity against a seemingly indomitable and terrifying creature; there’s George and the dragon from England and the famous Norse Myth of Fafnir. Some (but not many!) creatures are benevolent, for example the sea serpent in the Egyptian Tale of the Shipwrecked Soldier. Each retelling contributes to a fascinating and lively overview of how myriad mythical creatures are represented through time and across the globe.

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Vörunúmer: 9781035031627 Flokkur:
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