Japanese Folktales for Language Learners

4.399 kr.

Japanese Folktales for Language Learners presents 22 traditional stories in parallel Japanese and English versions on facing pages, with detailed notes and exercises aimed at beginning to intermediate learners. This book can be used as a language reader and will be of great interest to anyone wishing to learn more about Japanese culture and folklore.

The stories in this collection gradually increase in length and complexity as the book progresses. They include:
„The Candy-Buying Ghost“ – A female ghost mysteriously buys candy every night from a small village shop, until one night she reveals her true identity and her tragic story.
„The Old Man Who Made Trees Blossom“ – Regarded as one of the five greatest Japanese folktales, this touching story tells of a kind old man who uses his magical powers for good.
„The Abandoned Mother“ – An elderly woman is abandoned at the top of a mountain by her own son, a reference to the old practice of senicide in Japan.

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