Strange Japanese Yokai : A Guide to Weird and Wonderful Monsters, Demons and Spirits

3.899 kr.

Since time immemorial, Japan has been inhabited by supernatural creatures, spirits, monsters and demons…Here’s your chance to meet them up close and personal!
Strange Japanese Yokai assembles an extraordinary collection of mysterious creatures in every possible shape and size, each with their own unique back story. Some are well-known, others obscure. The one thing they share in common is that they are creepy and weird!
The 122 different Yokai described in this book include:
The Kappa: A dangerous creature who lives in lakes and rivers and attacks passers-by
The Nurarihyon: A mysterious Yokai with a huge head who steals food, tobacco and alcohol
The Yadokai: A mischievous former monk who wanders at night vandalizing and being a pest
The Ohaguru:A scary Yokai with black teeth who looks like a beautiful woman from afar until she gets closer, smiles, and reveals herself
And over 100 more!

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