Beautiful Book Designs : From the Middle Ages to the Mid 20th Century

7.799 kr.

The Book of Kells (said to be the most beautiful book in the world), Leicester Codex (the most expensive book by Leonardo da Vinci), Decorative Scripture in Middle Ages, Gift Books in late 19th century, Design Books in the era of Art Nouveau & Art Deco, Penguin Book Covers… This is a complete collection of over 100 ‘Beautiful Books’ in the world, printed with high-quality.
Although the body text is in Japanese, the title of each book appears in its original language, and the complete book list including the year of publication, country, and the owner is written in English. A treasured book for book lovers, printings, and those who love classic culture in the West. Following libraries and museum have the books introduced in this book. Pierpont Morgan Library New York, Library of Congress, Washington DC, New York Public Library New York, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, The Wolfsonian FIU Library Florida,

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Vörunúmer: 9784756247049 Flokkur:
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