Ukrainian English Visual Bilingual Dictionary

3.399 kr.

A comprehensive, fully illustrated dictionary with more than 6,500 words in English and Ukrainian

Learning the most common and useful English words and phrases has never been easier.
With over 6,500 fully illustrated words and phrases in Ukrainian and English, along with a free English audio app, DK’s English Ukrainian Bilingual Visual Dictionary is your essential companion for life in any English-speaking country. You will learn all the words and phrases you need to buy food and clothes, talk about work and education, visit the doctor, go to the bank, use public transport, and much more.
The dictionary is incredibly easy to follow, with thematically organized vocabulary so you can find closely related words on a particular topic. Words and phrases are illustrated with full-color photographs and artworks, helping to fix new vocabulary in your mind. A comprehensive, two-way index provides an instant reference point for new English vocabulary.

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