Trigger Warning

2.899 kr.

We are all wearing masks. That’s what makes us interesting. These are stories about those masks, and the people we are underneath them.
Secure your own mask before reading. Before being transported to worlds filled with witches, watchers and big black bees, with deathless Kin and pirate girls, with things that prowl in the darkness beyond the circle fire, to find the Shadder lurking at your journey’s end. But then what happens? There’s always something waiting for you. There’s always more. Just keep turning the pages.
This cornucopia of storytelling will open your eyes to the darkness around you, the magic and the monsters, the myths and the miracles, and the truths we find in the most extraordinary of places.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781472217721 Flokkur:
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