Time Will Tell

3.399 kr.

Time Will Tell is a collection of introspective poetry from bestselling author Courtney Peppernell. Come along and discover what it means to start inward and evolve into the version of yourself the universe knows you can be.

Presented in six captivating sections—Reflecting, Repairing, Change, Awakening, Emerging, and Rebirth—Time Will Tell tells the story of a curious, lost soul who crashed down to Earth on the search for purpose. With the help of their trusted guide, and told with Courtney Peppernell’s signature encouragement and beauty, this broken but fearless soul fights through each changing cycle and emerges more beautiful and stronger than the moment they fell. 
Come along as these endearing characters journey inward and you, too, may discover what it means to be free.

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Vörunúmer: 9781524872120 Flokkur:
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