The Little Mindfulness Workbook

2.699 kr.

Practical mindfulness techniques to help you combat stress, anxiety and depression, supported by meditations available online. Foreword by Vidyamala Burch.

A practical guide to everyday mindfulness techniques that really work.

Written by an expert teacher with over 35 years’ experience, and supported by online meditations and downloadable worksheets, The Little Mindfulness Workbook is a uniquely practicalpocket guide that will help you:

  • Combat stress, anxiety and depression
  • Learn the value of acceptance
  • Choose how to respond to unwanted experiences
  • Improve your happiness and well-being

The meditations and practices contained in The Little Mindfulness Workbook can be used to complement a mindfulness course you are already following, or independently as a step-by-step eight-week course that will help you heal your life

Gary Hennessey is one of the country’s most experienced mindfulness teachers. Follow his advice. It will serve you well. Dr Danny Penman, co-author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World.

“Although this book is short, it is pithy. Although it is small, it is weighty. Although it contains a
lot of common sense, it also hints at profound truths that can change your life
forever.” Vidyamala Burch, from her Foreword

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