Rayleigh Mann in the Company of Monsters

2.299 kr.

Enter the world of Below London, where causing a ruckus is the best thing you can do!
When notorious troublemaker Rayleigh Mann sneaks out to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, he gets more than he bargained for – in the form of a monster straight out of his nana’s stories.
The weirdest thing though? The monster tells Rayleigh that the father he never knew is actually the Bogey Mann, the most terrifying of all monsters, the Supreme Scarer himself.
And there’s more – Bogey is missing and Rayleigh is the only one who can find him. But to do so, Rayleigh must travel to Bogey’s world, Below London… There Rayleigh’s penchant for tricks might just help him survive an adventure straight out of his wildest dreams – or perhaps his most terrifying nightmares.
A wonderfully monstrous fantasy adventure for readers aged 9-12

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