Nectar of the Wicked (Deadly Divine Duet 1)

2.699 kr.

For twenty years, I was an unwanted changeling with no name, no family, and no answers.

Until an irresistibly wicked faerie begins a seductive game of cat and mouse. I am his prey. His treasure. A perfect pet.

He offers a trade: he will take me to the faerie realms to help me find the truth of who I am. In return, I must agree to marry him.

But nothing is as it seems, and soon after arriving at his wintry manor, I begin to unravel a dangerous web of lies.

Far deadlier still, I’m falling in love with a monster who has no heart.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781399731829 Flokkar: ,
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