Make a Vision Board – Collage Book

4.399 kr.

Everything you need to create a manifesting vision board, featuring step-by-step instructions and 1000+ images to cut out and collage

Make a Vision Board provides you with everything you need to get started now. Author CanDace Johnson guides you through step-by-step instructions to create a vision board and manifest from a place of abundance. Whether manifesting a dream partner, new home, peak health or new heights in your career, the practice of creating a vision board collage allows you to tap into your intuition, clarify your desires and begin to call in your best life.

· An introduction to manifestation and guidance on creating a vision board ritual
· 1000+ carefully curated images, plus backgrounds, to cut out and collage
· A list of tools and techniques to create a manifesting vision board
· Journaling prompts and goal-setting advice

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Vörunúmer: 9781399614825 Flokkur:
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