Curse of Sins (Curse of Saints book 2)

3.999 kr.

He’d once called her dangerous. And he had been right.

She was a spy. A warrior. A weapon.

Aya has returned home at last.

But she is not the same person who left Tala all those months ago.

And Tala isn’t the same either.

The threat of a war that could destroy the realm continues to grow and she is the only one who can save it.

Because she is also the Second Saint.

But there are those that see her as a pawn and want to use her powers for their own gain. Aya is about to learn that the real danger is closer to home than she ever could have imagined.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9780241630938 Flokkur:
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