Cold Hearted (Cursed Fae Book One)

2.699 kr.

To save my kingdom, someone must die…

Every hundred years, a curse descends on Faerie. For the last two millennia, the Summer Court princess has ended it. She has travelled to the mirror realm, found an Ethereum Lord, and returned with his magical heart.

Now it’s my turn.

I have trained to become the perfect assassin so I can retrieve my prize. But when I step through the portal, I’m immediately taken captive by Zander, a handsome royal guard.

To reach my target, I’m forced to play by his rules. Fail my task and everyone I’ve ever known and loved perishes. But Zander has secrets, and they call into question everything I have been taught my entire life…

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Vörunúmer: 9780008706890 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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