Close Knit : 15 Patterns and 45 Techniques from Beginner to Advanced from Europes Coolest Knitter

6.299 kr.

Tired of dowdy knitting patterns? Bored of videos made by traditionalists with no sense of fun? Freaked out by complicated instructions that leave no room for mistakes? Do you want to learn to knit fur? How about some funky patterns for children’s clothes that kids will love? Well, Lærke Bagger is here for you.
Known for her exuberant use of color and textures, this young textile artist is rapidly gaining a fanatical worldwide following. In this unique guide, she offers advice for knitters of every level, as well as fifteen basic patterns that can be varied infinitely to suit individual skill sets, tastes, and materials.
There are illustrated instructions for making socks, scarves and sweaters—but you’ll also find ideas for creating babysuits, scrunchies, T-shirts and even a prom dress. In addition to eschewing perfection, the Lærke Bagger technique involves tying knots instead of sewing the ends of yarn, recycling every inch of wool, and letting mistakes be a part of the design. With names like the Carpe Diem Sweater, the Bad Idea Top and the Easy Peasy Pillow, her knits are easily translated to fit whatever mood you’re in.

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