Baby and Toddler Knits: 20 Classic Patterns for Clothes, Blankets, Hats, and Bootees

3.199 kr.

Best-selling knitwear designer Debbie Bliss presents a stunning collection for babies and young children

Baby and Toddler Knits features a range of classic designs by Debbie Bliss for young children, including hats, bootees, blankets, and cardigans for babies, little jackets and dresses for toddlers, a sports shirt for pre-schoolers, and a cable sweater for children up to age 7. These are patterns which have stood the test of time, and are being brought back to life with updated color suggestions in line with Debbie’s latest yarn shades. All are knitted in Debbie’s favorites from her own yarn range, which are smooth and gentle on the skin.

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