Cheers To TV : Cocktails Inspired By Iconic Television Characters

3.399 kr.

The perfect pop culture pairing, this collection of drinks inspired by iconic television characters blends old and new, spicy and sweet, strong and mellow. 
Cheers to TV connects sixty cocktails to stars of the small screen. Some are invented specifically for that character, such as the Bloody Ending, inspired by Game of Thrones’ Daenerys Targaryen, or the Stringer Bell, an ode to The Wire. Others deliver a TV twist to an established cocktail—a Rusty Nail for Better Call Saul’s titular hero, for instance. Some are cocktails created by the show itself—Absolutely Fabulous’ Stoli-Bolli is sure to outlive its boozy inventor Patsy Stone. There are mocktails like the Banana Stand (honoring George Michael Bluth from Arrested Development), coffee-tinged drinks such as the Central Perk (for Friends’ Rachel), and even a rainbow slushie inspired by Pose’s Blanca Evangelista.

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