Beneath These Cursed Stars (These Hollow Vows book 3)

2.699 kr.

Princess Jasalyn seeks revenge.
Armed with an enchanted ring bestowing death’s kiss, she’s been sneaking away at night to assassinate her enemies.

Felicity needs a miracle.
Fated to kill her father, she’s been using her ability to shape-shift to evade a fatal prophecy.

But when rumours begin circling that the evil king Mordeus is still alive, Jasalyn teams up with the handsome Kendrick – a rebel once imprisoned alongside her. While Felicity must take Princess Jasalyn’s form, and her place at court – drawing irresistibly closer to the Wild Fae King, Misha.

Soon, their mission is at risk right alongside their hearts.

The future of the human and fae realms hangs in the balance. Between perilous tasks, grim secrets, and forbidden romances, Jasalyn and Felicity find that perhaps their stars are the most cursed of all.

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