The Upholstery Bible

4.399 kr.

A refreshed edition of this 10-year-old bestseller, now out of print, with new cover and modernised interiors.24,000 copies sold of the previous edition in the UK alone.The cornerstone title on upholstery back in print and rejuvenated for today’s readers. 

A complete resource for furniture upholstering, regardless of your abilities, with easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions explaining all the essential upholstery techniques, from covering buttons to stripping and upholstering entire chairs.Build your skills at your own pace, with advice on the basics such as choosing materials and tools for the job and estimating yardage, as well as more complex upholstering techniques.It features invaluable advice on what to look for when buying second hand furniture, teaching you what’s fixable and what’s not as well as how to avoid costly mistakes by choosing the right stitches, and techniques and textiles for the job.

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