The Republic of Thieves (Gentlemen Bastards3)

2.899 kr.

A poisoning. An election to rig. A partnership to restore . . . the third in the Gentleman Bastard sequence is a superb read for fans of GAME OF THRONES.
After their adventures on the high seas, Locke and Jean are brought back to earth with a thump. Jean is mourning the loss of his lover and Locke must live with the fallout of crossing the all-powerful magical assassins, the Bonds Magi.It is a fallout that will pit both men against Locke’s own long-lost love. Sabetha is Locke’s childhood sweetheart, the love of Locke’s life and now it is time for them to meet again. Employed on different sides of a vicious dispute between factions of the Bonds, Sabetha has just one goal – to destroy Locke for ever.The Gentleman Bastard sequence has become a literary sensation in fantasy circles and now, with the third book, Scott Lynch is set to seal that success.

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Vörunúmer: 9780575084469 Flokkur:
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