Everyday Patterns: Lotta Jansdotter

5.899 kr.

Lotta Jansdotter Everyday Patterns is all about flexible, customizable garments to wear in your nest and in your neighborhood, and easy, fun ways to alter each one as the season—or your mood—changes. The book includes sewing instruction and patterns for basic garments (skirt, shirt, shirt dress, tunic, pants, jacket, and robe) and unique accessories (tote bag, bandana, and more). For each garment, Jansdotter offers ideas for trims, pockets, sleeves, and hemlines to encourage readers to personalize and add details. And once more, she includes the sources of her inspiration and how she and her friends and family wear key pieces in different variations while working, playing, resting, and traveling.

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Vörunúmer: 9781419743986 Flokkur:
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