Witcher – Vol 07 The Ballad of Two Wolves

3.999 kr.

Geralt begins a new hunt in a story inspired by a classic fable or even two—where beasts are in disguise and songs pave the way to bountiful rewards.
Hailed as the greatest monster slayer—the infamous witcher Geralt is beckoned to the town of Grimmwald. When a strange occurrence stirs murmurs of a werewolf on the prowl, rumors spread surrounding the arrival of three wealthy sisters—who turned the poverty-stricken town into a flourishing tourist destination, but this change wasn’t welcome by all the town’s residents. Change creates more than fear and anger—but can conceive new enemies . . . and even monsters. With a grand mystery and a beast to slay, Dandelion may just find the inspiration he needs to write the perfect ballad.

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