Wed Wabbit

2.499 kr.

A hugely funny down-the-rabbit-hole adventure from the author of internationally bestselling Small Change for Stuart, which was shortlisted for both the Carnegie Medal and Costa Award.

You’re called Fidge and you’re nearly eleven. You’ve been hurled into a strange world. You have three companions: two are unbelievably weird and the third is your awful cousin Graham. You have to solve a series of nearly impossible clues. You need to deal with a cruel dictator and three thousand Wimbley Woos (yes, you read that sentence correctly).And the whole situation – the whole, entire thing – is your fault.Wed Wabbit is an adventure story about friendship, danger and the terror of never being able to get back home again. And it’s funny. It’s seriously funny.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781910989449 Flokkur:
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