Unstoppable Doom Patrol

3.399 kr.

After the events of Lazarus Planet, more people than ever have active metagenes! Most of these new metahumans have become misfits, shunned and imprisoned by a fearful society. They are hidden away in the dark, lost to a system that only sees them as weapons or guinea pigs–ticking time bombs that can only be defused by the Unstoppable Doom Patrol!

Led by Crazy Jane’s mysterious new alter known as the Chief, Robotman, Elasti-Woman, and Negative Man are joined by their brand-new teammates Beast Girl and Degenerate on a mission to save the world–by saving the monsters!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781779522948 Flokkur:
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