Undead Unluck – Vol 16 9781974742981

2.399 kr.

What happens when an unlucky girl meets an undead guy? Pure chaos!
Tired of inadvertently killing people with her special ability Unluck, Fuuko Izumo sets out to end it all. But when she meets Andy, a man who longs for death but can’t die, she finds a reason to live—and he finds someone capable of giving him the death he’s been longing for.Nico has betrayed the Union in order to resurrect his beloved wife. Andy squares off against his former comrade, but just as he gains the upper hand, UMA Ghost intervenes. With the ability to attack Andy’s soul and render the affected body part immobile, UMA Ghost proves a difficult foe. Will Andy find a way to prevail and restore Fuuko’s soul to her body before she’s lost forever?

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