Ultimate RPG Tarot Deck

4.999 kr.

Tabletop game meets tarot in this fun, useful tool for divination, making it perfect for daily readings as well as in your next campaign.
Based on the symbolism of the Rider Waite deck, these cards depict traditional tarot archetypes through the themes of sword-and-sorcery tabletop role-playing games. Featuring fantasy-fueled card interpretations like the Fool depicted as a first level adventurer, stepping out on their first quest, or the pentacles suit reimagined with loot and gold pieces, this deck brings your favorite campaign to life in a new way. It’s the perfect deck for your daily divination, or to use as an in-game tool for idea generation, in-game readings, randomized events, and more! Included with the deck is a guidebook which explains how to use the deck for divination or gameplay, and provides definitions explanations for each card.

With fun, action-packed art, and authors Jef Aldrich and Jon Taylor’s cheeky RPG humor, The Ultimate RPG Tarot Deck takes your tarot readings and your gameplay to the next level!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781507220146 Flokkur:
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