They Can Talk 2025 Desk Calendar

3.599 kr.

The golden retrievers are goofy, the cats are sassy, and the sharks are existential, but in a funny way—They Can Talk comics hilariously translate the thoughts and feelings of the animal kingdom into moments even two-legged creatures can relate to.  

From Aesop to St. Francis to Dr. Doolittle, the longing to communicate with animals has been central to human imagination since the dawn of language. Finally, Jimmy Craig’s They Can Talk comics are here to show us we needn’t have bothered. On every page of this hilarious desk calendar, from the sharks in the ocean to the songbirds in the trees to our own beloved pets, the animal kingdom is just as egocentric, lovable, neurotic, and generally baffled by everyday reality as humankind.

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Vörunúmer: 9781524890575 Flokkur:
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