The Summer I Saved You

2.699 kr.

I came to the lake to be left alone, to lick my wounds. I wasn’t counting on neighbors and I especially wasn’t counting on her.

Lucie was a little kid the last time I was here. Now she’s grown-and God, did she ever grow up-with two little kids of her own.

She’s everywhere I look, no matter how hard I try to avoid her. I’d forgotten all the things I used to want, used to dream about. She’s reminding me…and making me want every last one of them again.

From the moment I first saw Caleb when I was six, I knew he belonged to me. And I knew I’d have to save him-because how else does the girl nobody wants win over the boy beloved by all?

Nothing about his life or mine has gone to plan. He’s isolated and miserable. I’ve got a vindictive ex and more problems than I can count.

But what hasn’t changed is this: it still feels like he’s mine.

And I still think I may need to save him.

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