The Spice Must Flow

3.499 kr.

Nerd-culture expert Ryan Britt takes us behind the pages and scenes of science fiction phenomenon Dune, charting the series’ life from cult sci-fi novels to the most visionary movies of all time.Using original, deep access reporting, extensive research, and commentary,The Spice Must Flow will bring the popularity of Dune out into the light for the very first time. Alongside original interviews with the beloved actors and directors behind the films, it will also touch upon the far-reaching influence of Dune, from award-winning novelists to NASA engineers, painters, and climatologists.Through a blend of narrative, some oral history elements, and fascinating trivia, The Spice Must Flow will become the new essential guide to the behind-the-scenes story of Dune. The fiction of Dune is deadly serious, but the nomenclature and creation of these books, films, and TV series is anything but dull.

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Vörunúmer: 9780593472996 Flokkar: ,
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