The Sandman: Morpheus Helm Masterpiece Edition

59.995 kr.

New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman’s comics masterpiece, The Sandman, is regarded as one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. It has won numerous literary awards, been adapted into an Audible audio drama, and most recently premiered as a highly acclaimed Netflix live-action show. This highly imaginative and thought-provoking series has endeared itself to fantasy and comics fans worldwide.

Now you can own a piece of the Dreaming in the waking world with this Masterpiece Edition book set, comprising six exclusive leather-bound, foil-embossed hardcovers and a custom sculpted book stand resembling Morpheus’s helm.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781779523518 Flokkur:
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