The Little Book of Horrors

3.799 kr.

A thrilling compendium for the morbidly curious

The Little Book of Horrors is an exhaustive list (in a friendly handbook size!) of all the things that keep the Grim Reaper employed, from nuclear war and poisonous spiders to stabby clowns. Most people won’t die by decapitation or suffer an eye worm infection, but mischievous and morbid readers will be curious to know what would happen if they did. Now thrill-seekers and horror-lovers can keep it all in perspective with The Little Book of Horrors. Each page offers a healthy jolt of terror and a glimpse of the dark truths that keep everyone up at night. This fun little book is the twisted daily reminder that everything could be so much worse.

Sample questions:
– Why should you duck when someone breaks out the champagne?
– What chivalrous value led to female traitors being burned alive while men were drawn and quartered?
– Did Sir Frances Bacon catch his death of cold while playing with a dead chicken?
– What’s the best way to survive a plane crash?

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Vörunúmer: 9781250367648 Flokkur:
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