The League of Lady Poisoners

4.999 kr.

FASCINATING, DIVERSE STORIES OF WOMEN WHO KILL: These women lived in different time periods and had varying cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds that influenced their motives. Some acted out of defiance—like the Angel Makers of Nagyrév, who taught women how to dispose of their abusive husbands in Hungary. Others schemed their way to power and money, including Empress Wu Zetian of China and Belle Gunness, who killed more than 14 people in the American Midwest. Discover all their stories in this engaging collection . . . if you have the stomach for them.Perfect for: Lovers of true crime podcasts like My Favorite Murder, Morbid, and Criminalia Readers who enjoy historical biographies, especially of women Readers who love a good villain, antihero, or underdog story Murder mystery fans Art lovers and illustrated book collectors Fans of Lisa Perrin’s beautiful illustration Shoppers looking for a unique feminist gift book Fans of period dramas like The Serpent Queen and The Borgias Readers who enjoy books like Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History and The Trial of Lizzie Borden

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Vörunúmer: 9781797215884 Flokkur:
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