The Defenders Epic Collection – Vol 02: Enter: The Headmen

7.899 kr.

The Defenders, comicdom’s #1 non-team, are back and things are about to get weird in all the best ways.
As we begin, the Defenders confront Nebulon and the other-dimensional Squadron Sinister. It’s an encounter that will bring Nighthawk into the fold and change the team forever. Then, Magneto and his Ultimate Mutant strike, the Wrecking Crew debut, Luke Cage and Daredevil join up and Valkyrie continues her search for answers to her fractured identity. After Steve Gerber takes the writing reins, the series is injected with a dose of knowing absurdity and cutting social commentary in the form of the bizarre Headmen and the bigoted Sons of the Serpent. Gerber crafts challenging stories that set the tone for the Defenders and define them even today.

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Vörunúmer: 9781302955311 Flokkur:
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