Superwomen in Love vol 04

2.499 kr.

TAKING THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL!Thanks to their close bond, superheroine Hayate and the ex-villainess Honey Trap have managed to discover a new power! But that’s not all that’s new; Hayate has realized she has feelings for Honey but is struggling to sort them out. Meanwhile, a new self-proclaimed superheroine, Mitsuki Moe, takes the stage and is convinced that Hayate and Honey are bad guys!Series Overview: When the villainess Honey Trap defeats the superheroine Rapid Rabbit, she sees her nemesis’ face for the first time…and falls head over heels in love! Refusing to kill Rapid Rabbit, Honey Trap is cast out of Antinoid, an evil organization with plans of world domination. Luckily, a kind soul takes her in: Rapid Rabbit herself! Now Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit have teamed up to take on Antinoid. Can Honey Trap defeat her old colleagues and seduce the heroine at the same time?

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Vörunúmer: 9781638582595 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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