Star Wars Legends The Thrawn Trilogy

8.799 kr.

One of the most beloved and popular Star Wars stories of all time, adapted intoi a graphic novel and collected in its entirety!Five years after the glorious rebel victory against the second Death Star, Luke Skywalker remains the last of the Jedi! Han Solo and Princess Leia are married and have taken on many of the burdens of stabilizing the fledgling New Republic. But the galaxy is not yet safe. Far, far away, something festers. One lingering faction of the Empire — near death, but all the more dangerous for it. And the discovery of a long-lost force could spark it back into life! The last of the Emperor’s military masterminds, Grand Admiral Thrawn, is ready to seize his chance to control the remaining Empire — and the galaxy!

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781302957230 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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