Star Wars Darth Vader By Greg Pak – Vol 09 Rise of the Schism Imperial

3.999 kr.

Tales of the Rebellion from the Legends continuity of Star Wars, set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back!
Months after the Death Star’s destruction, the Rebel Alliance continues the fight to dismantle the Empire — if they can stay alive! As Darth Vader closes in on the rebels, an old friend of Luke’s is the only one who can stop an Imperial victory…but which side will he choose? Boba Fett takes on a series of deadly assignments — including a seemingly impossible mission — to prove he’s still the best game in town! Luke and Leia are faced with dangerous missions of their own — with Vader himself in pursuit! In these dangerous times, can they trust anyone besides one another? Witness the stories that shaped the Rebellion!

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