Spider-Man: Cosmic Chaos

2.699 kr.

In award-winning author/illustrator Mike Maihack’s action-packed and hilarious third graphic novel in the Mighty Marvel Team-Up series, Spider-Man is thrust into space and must team up with the rebellious Guardians of the Galaxy!

Spider-Man has ventured into space to return Silver Surfer’s surfboard to the space-faring hero. But what starts as a simple mission quickly evolves into a new mystery involving a collection of rare talismans that can give the owner great and potentially dangerous cosmic power.

Before he can return home, Spider-Man must discover where all the talismans are and just what their purpose is in order to ensure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

Good thing Spidey has joined forces with the perfect Super Hero team—the Guardians of the Galaxy—to see this mission through! With the help of Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax, can Spider-Man save the day and secure his way home? Or is he fated to be lost in space forever?

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