Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky Omnibus

19.995 kr.

Chip Zdarsky’s acclaimed stories of Spider-Man, collected in an omnibus!Celebrated writer Chip Zdarsky puts Peter Parker front and center as all of his unmissable SPIDER-MAN stories are collected in one package! Spidey and his ol’ pal the Human Torch find out that the Kingpin is still a force to be reckoned with! The webslinger lands right in the middle of the Tinkerer’s family feud! Peter’s “sister” returns, J. Jonah Jameson makes a shocking discovery, and they all end up in a world without a Spider-Man — where Norman Osborn reigns supreme! Plus, Zdarsky teams with legend Mark Bagley to tell Peter’s life story as if he aged in real time! And what if Spidey never took off the symbiote suit?

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