Sonic the Hedgehog – Vol 14: Overpowered

3.399 kr.

Surge is angry and plots her comeback, but she needs more power, and she needs it now. Sonic’s friends race to stop her rampage, but there’s something different about her. As things start to look dire for Sonic and Tails, they find support in the form of Surge’s old sidekick, Kit! He’s on their side…right?

But Surge’s plan is bigger than anyone thought! With a little help, she’s going to turn the place of her greatest torment into the place of her greatest triumph: Dr. Starline’s former base, now a trap for Sonic, Tails, Dr. Eggman, and Metal Sonic!

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Vörunúmer: 9781684059850 Flokkur: Vörumerki:
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