Soiree Art Collection of Nekosuke

5.899 kr.

The long-awaited illustration collection by nekosuke

nekosuke is one of the most popular illustrators on social media in Japan. The atmosphere of corrupt beauty and the sense of decadence in nekosuke’s artworks have made the illustrator an instant internet sensation with more than 60,000 followers on Twitter. Following this success online, nekosuke released four original Dojinshi , which sold out immediately: Exotica, Exotica 2, Kaiki-to-jou, Yume ni Utsutsu. nekosuke now draws illustrations for book covers and magazines.
This book contains excepted illustrations from nekosuke’s first four Dojinshi and also features original artworks, as well. Cute original characters such as “small Alice and cat” are also included in this book

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