Side Jobs (Dresden Files)

2.799 kr.

Smásagnasafn, lesist á eftir Changes til að koma í veg fyrir spoilera

a compendium of cases that Harry and his cadre of allies managed to close in record time. The tales range from the deadly serious to the absurdly hilarious. Also included is a novella exclusive to this collection that takes place after the cliff-hanger ending of „Changes.“ This is a must-have collection for every devoted Harry Dresden fan as well as a perfect introduction for readers ready to meet Chicago’s only professional wizard.

2.79 cm x 22.61 cm x 15.24 cm þyngd 0.45 kg  432 pages

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9780451463845 Flokkur:
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