Shangri-La Frontier – Vol 08

2.599 kr.

High schooler Rakuro loves hunting down „trash games,“ but one day he decides to play a AAA VR game called Shangri-La Frontier instead. He creates a character with a bird head, skips the cutscenes and jumps right in–but what awaits him in this game is different from anything he’s ever faced…A CHANGE OF PACE Sunraku’s quest to help Beelach level up to an ancient craftsman is nearly complete. Enormous effort has been put into his grand dream of piloting the awesome mech suits in the Inventoria. Unfortunately, when the moment of triumph is at hand, Sunraku realizes he overlooked a critical detail that ends up robbing him of his goal! The only solution is to distract himself with another game?!

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Vörunúmer: 9781646518098 Flokkur:
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