Shangri-La Frontier – Vol 07

2.599 kr.

High schooler Rakuro loves hunting down „trash games,“ but one day he decides to play a AAA VR game called Shangri-La Frontier instead. He creates a character with a bird head, skips the cutscenes and jumps right in–but what awaits him in this game is different from anything he’s ever faced…PENCILGON’S PROPOSAL Having survived a fierce attack by one of the Shangri-La Frontier PK clans, Sunraku goes into the fighting ring against ten powerful monsters as part of a unique scenario. He barely escapes with his life, only to then receive an invitation from his gamer friend Pencilgon to help her take down a unique monster known as Wethermon the Tombguard. With Wethermon still undefeated by any of the game’s 30 million players, Sunraku may have bitten off more than he can chew!

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Vörunúmer: 9781646516605 Flokkur:
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