Season of the Witch: Samhain Oracle

4.999 kr.

What if every day were Halloween? Experience the clarity and electric energies of this sacred night all year long with the chilling Samhain Oracle. Each card connects you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection, and guidance from the other side into everyday life. Discover the banshee’s wrath, meet your sacred animal familiar, greet the nature spirits, or visit the graveyard with your coven to seek protection in the witching hour. The cards hold truth and unlock your intuition to find the answers to your heart’s hidden desires. This beautifully designed and illustrated book and 44 card deck set will connect you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection and guidance.

Aðeins 1 stk. eftir á lager

Vörunúmer: 9781925924657 Flokkur:
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