Scandalous e. L.J.Shen

3.399 kr.

They call him the Mute for a reason. Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks. When he does, it’s with disdain. When he does, his words aren’t meant for me. When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.

He is thirty-three. I am eighteen. He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner. I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter. He’s emotionally unavailable. And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.

Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.
And yet, I can’t stay away.
A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.

And oh, what beautiful chaos it will be.

Content warnings: relationship between an 18-year-old woman and 33-year-old man, nonverbal child, parental neglect, abandonment, substance abuse, mental illness, blackmail, drug use, mention of suicide.

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