Quick Baby Toys: 20 Beginner-Friendly Patterns

3.499 kr.

A charming collection of 20 knitting patterns for baby comforter toys. The dolls are designed to be soft and squidgy so they can be held easily by little hands.

The 20 dolls include animals and people and include a wide range of fun and colourful designs. Choose from one of the simpler designs like the very simple Baby and Bird patterns, through to more complicated designs like the King and the Fox.

The author has developed a clever technique whereby the toys are knitted flat in a rectangle shape and then stitched into a tube shape before being stuffed and closed. Any embroidery details on the clothes are added at this point.

The arms, head and waist as well as features such as ears and antlers are then defined with some clever stitching and there are step-by-step instructions and photographs showing how to do this.

There are also instructions for how to pick up stitches from the initial ‘tube’ of knitting in order to create clothing details such as skirts, ruffles and frills.

Knitters will love these small projects because they are perfect for using up your yarn stash as they only take small amounts of any colour – you can have great fun deciding which colours to use for each of the outfits.

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Vörunúmer: 9781446313596 Flokkur:
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