Practical Witchs Spell Deck

2.699 kr.

The Practical Witch’s Spell Deck is a charming collection of 100 spells for love, joy, prosperity, healing, and more, with an illustrated card deck, an introduction to spells, and a beautiful keepsake box.

Today, witchcraft has been reclaimed as a source of wisdom, healing, and self-love. This beautiful package, featuring stunning cards and a magnetic closure, is a must-have for spell-casters of all levels and anyone with a penchant for the magical.

This kit includes:

– A spell deck, with 100 fully-illustrated, 2-1/2″ x 3-1/2″ cards
– 48-page mini book, with an introduction to spells and magic
– A magnetic-closure keepsake box for card storage

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Vörunúmer: 9780762495801 Flokkur:
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