Pickwick Papers, the (MCL)

3.399 kr.

Charles Dickens’s first novel and comic masterpiece
In The Pickwick Papers we are introduced not just to one of the greatest writers in the English language, but to some of fiction’s most endearing and memorable characters, starting with the ‘illustrious, immortal and colossal-minded’ Samuel Pickwick himself. It is a rollicking tour de force through an England on the brink of the Victorian era. Reform of government, justice and commercial life are imminent, as are rail travel, social convulsion and the death of deference, but Pickwick sails through on a tide of delirious adventure, fortifying us for the future – whatever it might throw at us.

This Macmillan Collector’s Library edition is illustrated by H. K. Browne (‘Phiz’), with an afterword by Ned Halley.

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Vörunúmer: 9781509825455 Flokkur:
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